Aspen Quikdraw Pro

When someone suffers an episode of acute low back pain, they want relief right away. The QuikDraw™ Pro quickly restores functional mobility by providing powerful compression for immediate pain relief.With just a few sizes that correspond directly to men’s or women’s clothing sizes, the QuikDraw™ Pro will reduce inventory requirements while simplifying the fitting process. The performance characteristics of the brace result in better patient compliance. When coupled with a specific physical therapy regimen, the QuikDraw™ Pro can lead to quick and lasting pain relief for better patient outcomes.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Item # Size Waist Circumference
993081 XS 21″-27″
993011 S 26″-32″
993021 M 31″-37″
993031 L 36″-42″
993041 XL 41″-47″
993091 XXL 46″-57″

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